Fit-Line Global is committed to operational excellence. We achieve this by challenging our associates to master the art of change and stimulating their creativity to develop innovative products and services for our customers. Our staff of veteran leadership and rising stars has risen to this challenge, creating a world-class team. Today we’re excited to spotlight a member of our staff, engineering intern Emilly Torres.

Emilly primarily focuses on mechanical engineering, assisting with the development of new products and programming collaborative robots, otherwise known as cobots.

“We have [cobots] set up to pick from injection molding machines and trim the molded parts. Another project I’m working on is integrating a cobot into our wash station,” said Emilly.

Emilly received specialized cobot training in her first year with the company and has thrived in her role while learning new skills, overcoming obstacles, and constantly improving Fit-Line’s processes.

“[I] really enjoy the problem-solving…,” she said. “Learning and growing with the company is such a great opportunity, and it’s really fun. Whenever I have a challenge, I’ll ask the engineering team and they do everything in their power to help, even connecting me to outside consultants and others that can help me find a solution.

Emilly enjoys working with her mechanical engineering manager, Bob Stellflue, and other Fit-Line colleagues. She also enjoyed her time with former mechanical engineering mentor Reed McKissick, who recently retired after a 40-plus year career in engineering.

She is currently attending community college and plans to transfer to a four-year university to get her bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering. During her four years at Valencia High School, she participated in a program called Val Tech, a program for students with a special interest in and aptitude for technology. She explored several pathways and gained extensive hands-on experience in STEM-related classes, learning essential skills like programming and workshopping.

We’re extremely proud to have Emilly on the Fit-Line team and are excited to tap into her thirst for knowledge and help her grow into an exceptional mechanical engineer.

“I want to stick around for as long as I can. Right now, we’re continuing to grow with the company, and I’d like to be here and see what we can accomplish till the very end.”


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